By Lina BUSTILLO – MSc / Translated by Samai Páez

Mentor for Latin American Luxury Brands | Speaker | Author | Research

Colombia is a country of contrasts, natural richness and cultural diversity that makes it unique in the world. However, for decades, it has been sadly associated with drug trafficking and the so-called “narco-luxury,” a ostentatious manifestation of wealth acquired through illicit activities. This image has mark the international perception of the country, overshadowing its true essence and cultural heritage. It's time for Colombia to break with this idea and empower itself with ancestral luxury, a cultural richness that reflects its history, traditions and authenticity.

The Impact of Narco Luxury

Narco luxury is a direct consequence of the drug trafficking economy. This phenomenon is characterized by waste and ostentation: extravagant mansions, luxurious cars, expensive jewelry, and enormous parties. This type of luxury is not only an exhibition of ill-gotten power and wealth, but also, perpetuates a negative image of Colombia on a global level. In addition, it generates a cycle of violence, corruption and inequality, which deeply affects Colombian society

What is Narco Luxury?

Narco luxury is a phenomenon associated with the display of wealth and power by individuals involved in illicit activities, especially drug trafficking. This concept is characterized by the extravagant display of material goods, such as luxurious mansions, high-end cars, expensive jewelry, and enormous parties. The narco-luxury not only represents a lifestyle based on the accumulation of goods acquired through illicit means, but also, reflects a culture of power and domination that glorifies violence and corruption.

This manifestation of luxury is frequently portrayed in media and popular culture, such as television series and movies, which often portray drug traffickers as powerful and almost heroic figures. The impact of this goes beyond public perception, influencing young generations who can see in this lifestyle an aspirational form of success.

Narco luxury contributes to a negative image of countries affected by drug trafficking, such as Colombia, overshadowing their true cultural and natural riches. In addition, it promotes inequality and violence, deeply affecting society as a whole.

The glorification of narco-luxury in the media and popular culture has contributed to the normalization of this lifestyle. Television series, movies and music often portray drug traffickers as almost heroic figures, which can lead to admiration and emulation of their ways of life, especially among young people.

The Wealth of Ancestral Luxury

Colombia, however, has much more to offer. Its true luxury lies in its ancestral heritage which is cultural and natural that is as rich and diverse as the country itself. This ancestral luxury manifests itself in various forms: crafts, traditions, music, gastronomy and a deep relationship with the land.

Crafts and Traditions

Colombian handicrafts are a reflection of the cultural richness of the country. From Wayuu fabrics in La Guajira to arhuacas backpacks from Sierra Nevada, each handcrafted piece tells a story and carries centuries of tradition and ancestral knowledge. This type of luxury is measured in the cultural and human value it represents and not in monetary terms.


Colombian gastronomy is another manifestation of ancestral luxury. With a wide variety of native ingredients and traditional culinary techniques, Colombian cuisine is a fusion of flavors and knowledge that reflect the diversity of the country. Traditional dishes such as arepa, sancocho and bandeja paisa are part of a culinary cultural heritage that deserves to be celebrated and shared with the world.

Nature and Biodiversity

Colombia is one of the most biodiverse countries on the planet, with a vast range of ecosystems ranging from rainforests to Andean mountains. This natural wealth is a luxury itself, offering invaluable resources and landscapes of unparalleled beauty. Protecting and valuing this natural cultural heritage is essential for the well-being of the country and its international reputation.

Empowerment Through Ancestral Luxury

To be dismiss from narco-luxury and empower ancestral luxury, Colombia needs a change of approach and narrative. This involves several key actions:

Education and Awareness

Promote education and awareness of the value of the country's cultural and natural heritage is essential. New generations must know and appreciate their ancestral cultural heritage, understanding that true luxury lies in authenticity and tradition.

International Promotion

Colombia must work to change its international image, promoting its cultural and natural riches. This can be achieved through sustainable tourism campaigns, participation in international fairs and collaboration with cultural organizations.

Sustainability and Social Responsibility

Embracing sustainable and responsible practices is essential for long-term development. This includes protecting the environment and promoting an economy that benefits all Colombians, not just a few.

Sostenibilidad y Responsabilidad Social

Adoptar prácticas sostenibles y responsables es esencial para el desarrollo a largo plazo. Esto incluye la protección del medio ambiente y la promoción de una economía que beneficie a todos los colombianos, no solo a unos pocos.

Dismissing from narco-luxury and empowering ancestral luxury is complex but necessary for Colombia. It is a process that requires the joint effort of government, civil society and the private sector. By focusing on its true cultural heritage, Colombia can build a positive and authentic image, based on the richness of its history, culture and nature. This is the true essence of Colombian luxury, one that deserves to be celebrated and shared with the world.

The New Luxury

The new luxury in Colombia is redefined through the enhancement of its ancestral cultural heritage and its unique biodiversity. This luxury is not measured in terms of ostentation and opulence, but in authenticity, sustainability and cultural richness that emanates from its artisan traditions, its diverse cuisine and its natural landscapes. By celebrating and promoting these riches, Colombia not only preserves its cultural heritage, but also offers the world a vision of luxury that is respectful of the environment and deeply rooted in the country's identity. This approach transforms luxury into an enriching and meaningful experience, aligned with contemporary values of sustainability and social responsibility.